会计学院晏超博士与钟慧洁博士合作论文在国际知名期刊《Emerging Markets Review》在线发表


成果名称Do firms manipulate earnings after winning public-private partnership bids? Evidence from China

成果摘要:We examine whether firms manipulate their reported earnings after winning investment project bids. China's adoption of the public-private partnership (PPP) provides a unique setting for our analysis. Using the PPP announcements to identify the firms participating in PPP projects, we find that firms conduct both accrual-based and real earnings management after PPP participation. Our findings survive difference-in-differences design with different matching methods. We document that PPP-participating firms have strong incentives to manipulate earnings because of abnormal administrative expenditure and greater short-term performance pressure than non-PPP-participating firms. The auditors respond by charging higher audit fees due to the increased risk. Moreover, government subsidies relieve performance pressure and decrease the likelihood of earnings management among PPP-participating firms. Overall, this study documents the unintended consequences of PPP participation.





期刊简介:Emerging Markets Review》是Elsevier发行专门刊登新兴市场财务与会计领域国际知名期刊偏好基于国际和区域视角的比较研究、单个国家或地区的深度政策研究、基于制度分析的财务研究、新兴市场相关研究等议题。期刊影响因子4.073BUSINESS & FINANCE领域SSCI一区期刊
